бастап - дейін
Type of toy
Who for
Development category
Learning toys39 Өнім табылды:
Learning toys39 Өнім табылды:
сұрыптау режимі
  • арзаннан қымбатқа
  • қымбаттан арзанға дейін
  • жаңа заттар
  • танымал
  • күтілуде
өнім коды: J05151
9990 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: developing game; Category of development: fine motor skill, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J05089
16990 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: developing game; Category of development: concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J05827
23990 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: developing game; Category of development: fine motor skill, dexterity;
өнім коды: J04409
23990 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: sorting game; Category of development: finger motility, fine motor skill;
өнім коды: J02588
17500 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: magnetic book; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, perseverance, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J02587
17500 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: magnetic book; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, perseverance, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J02589
15000 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: magnetic book; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, perseverance, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J05164
23990 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: developing game; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, sound perception, perseverance, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J05462
26000 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: magnetic card; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, visual perception, imagination;
өнім коды: J05063
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: developing game; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, visual perception, perseverance, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J04421
14000 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: developing game; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, visual perception, color perception;
өнім коды: J04401
20990 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: pyramid; Category of development: finger motility, accuracy, logical thinking, visual perception, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J05461
19000 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: magnetic book; Category of development: logical thinking, visual perception, memory, imagination;
өнім коды: J05076
33190 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: developing game; Category of development: logical thinking;
өнім коды: J08256
45000 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: developing game; Category of development: motor coordination, logical thinking, perseverance, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J02720
15000 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: magnetic book; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, perseverance, creativity;
өнім коды: OY-CUBE-02
8000 тенге*
қолда бар
IQ Electric cube puzzle is a fun educational toy for the whole family that combines rhythmic music and game. IQ Electric cube has LED backlight. The central part consists of a display divided into four blocks, illuminated during the game, and two side blocks, each with two colors on both sides. The task of the puzzle is to match the colored blocks with the lights - turn the block according to the light prompt so that it matches the color of the display. The toy operates in four modes: speed mode, memory mode, endurance mode, multiplayer mode. Each of the selected modes has over 10 difficulty levels. Recommended age: 6+
өнім коды: J02716
15000 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: magnetic book; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, perseverance, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J02725
15000 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for the whole family; Type of toy: magnetic book; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, perseverance, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J02721
15000 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: magnetic book; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, perseverance, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J02719
15000 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: magnetic book; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, perseverance, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J02717
15000 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: magnetic book; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, perseverance, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J02723
18000 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: magnetic book; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, perseverance, concentration of attention;
өнім коды: J02724
15000 тенге*
қолда бар
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: magnetic book; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, perseverance, concentration of attention;
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