бастап - дейін
Switch Type
Form Factor
Number of ports
Switches4 Өнім табылды:
Switches4 Өнім табылды:
сұрыптау режимі
  • арзаннан қымбатқа
  • қымбаттан арзанға дейін
  • жаңа заттар
  • танымал
  • күтілуде
2E Gaming
2E Tactical
өнім коды: 2E-SG108C
13990 тенге*
қолда бар
You can connect multiple parts of your computer network to transmit and receive data using the 2E PowerLink SG108C 8 × GE switch. The unmanaged device is securely protected by a white plastic case. In addition to the switch and power supply, there are detailed instructions that will help you use it without difficulty.
өнім коды: 2E-SG105C
8990 тенге*
қолда бар
A separate node — 2E PowerLink SG105C 5 × GE switch — is designed to connect multiple devices to the LAN. The device is unmanaged. The switch is equipped with 8 ports — this is the number of devices that can be easily connected. The manufacturer has taken care of the protection by giving the switch a reliable plastic case of universal white.
өнім коды: 2E-SF108C
5690 тенге*
қолда бар
You can connect computer network nodes within one segment using 2E PowerLink SF108C 8 × FE switch. You can connect 8 devices to this device. The strong plastic case will reliably protect from any damages. Operation of the switch will not be difficult thanks to detailed instructions.
өнім коды: 2E-SF105C
4490 тенге*
қолда бар
2E PowerLink SF105C 5 × FE Unmanaged Switch ensures reliable interoperability between computers and networks. The ports allow you to connect five devices. The switch is placed in a white plastic case. In addition to the switch, a power adapter and instructions are included.
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