The Twinkly RGB series in the Twinkly series of premium products is referred to as Multi color. It has a full RGB spectrum of 16 million colors and shades to create magical compositions of light and color. Twinkly RGB produces a revolutionary quality of bright, rich light, which is possible thanks to the patented special design of the LED lenses: a matte-flat body for an even diffuse glow without loss of light and color expression. The LED light source shimmers smoothly, targetedly controlled on each LED of the garland or their array when combined, emphasizing the festive atmosphere. Twinkly are a particularly spectacular premium garlands, controlled both by a button on the garland and from the Twinkly mobile app. In them, each LED is controlled individually by the app for a spectacular effect. The mobile app elegantly and easily displays effects and animations. Twinkly offers a set of effects ready for instant display. You can change each of the effects or create your own. Voice control by Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa (only in English for now) diversifies the garland control.
With the Twinkly Music Dongle (sold separately), light effects are synchronized with music. Twinkly lights can be programmatically synchronized into a single group from the app and controlled as a single ensemble using a single scenario. The effect is worth it! Up to 4,000 LEDs or up to 10 devices can be connected to a group (Wi-Fi coverage is required in the area where the controllers are located) for impressive installations, decorations, and shows. Twinkly lights are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use (please check the IP44 standard). These are spectacular holiday solutions not only for the Christmas and winter holidays. They will decorate a Christmas tree, a tree, walls, paths, stairs – anything to create unforgettable installations.
Additional Information
Up to 4,000 LEDs or up to 10 devices can be connected to a group for impressive installations, decorations and shows. The group must contain garlands of the same type of LED bulbs, for example, AWW, RGB, or RGBW only. Stable Wi-Fi signal strength is required in the area where the controllers are located.
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