Кукольный театр-зоопарк с Same Toy

Басты бет Жаңалықтар Кукольный театр-зоопарк с Same Toy

Многим малышам нравится кукольный театр, где герои оживают и рождается удивительная сказка. Устраивать представления, придумывая невероятные сюжеты, можно прямо дома. К этому действу можно привлечь детей, взрослых и… главных героев в форме игрушек-перчаток.

В ассортименте бренда Same Toy представлено более 10 видов игрушек-перчаток в виде животных, подходящих для различных игр. С ними можно играть в зоопарк, воспроизводить любимые сказочные и фантастические сюжеты, а некоторые можно использовать для познавательных посиделок с родителями или веселых развлечений с друзьями.

Магия кукольного театра

В ассортименте бренда Same Toy есть целый зоопарк игрушек-перчаток. Они выглядят довольно реалистично. Серия игрушек-перчаток Same Toy изготовлена из безопасных гипоаллергенных материалов. Отверстие для руки широкое, поэтому перчаткой удобно двигать во время игры.

Играя с игрушками-перчатками, дети познают животный мир, расширяют мировоззрение, развивают фантазию, образное мышление, воображение и мелкую моторику.

Для детей от трех лет.

Игрушка-перчатка «Акула»

Код товара: X301UT

Увлекательная игрушка-перчатка Same Toy «Акула» разнообразит ежедневные забавы ребятишек и непременно улучшит им настроение. Во время игры ребенок познакомится с настоящим хищником – акулой, и погрузится в удивительный мир веселых приключений. Игрушка станет отличным подарком как для ребенка, так и для взрослого.

  • Высота 14 см
  • Длина 16 см
  • Диаметр отверстия для руки 7,5 см

Игрушка-перчатка «Волк»

Код товара: X318UT

С игрушкой-перчаткой в виде настоящего волка ребенок погрузится в мир сказок и фантазии. Играя с ним, ребенок узнает больше о волках и их образе жизни.

  • Высота 16 см
  • Длина 11 см
  • Диаметр отверстия для руки 10 см

Игрушка-перчатка «Карнотавр»

Код товара: X315UT

Для всех любителей динозавров игрушка-перчатка «Карнотавр» станет просто находкой. Необычная окраска и реалистичный вид восхищают воображение. Пришло время перенестись во времена позднего мелового периода и устроить настоящее зрелище, или сразиться с друзьями, чтобы выяснить кто сильнее.

  • Высота 14 см
  • Длина 18 см
  • Диаметр отверстия для руки 12 см

Игрушка-перчатка «Крокодил»

Код товара: X308UT

Крокодил – персонаж немалого количества интересных историй и сказок. Заменить его кем-то другим будет очень тяжело. Поэтому, устраивая домашнее представление, он обязательно должен быть в составе актерской труппы. Игрушка выглядит реалистично — широкая пасть, большие глаза.

  • Высота 11 см
  • Длина 22 см
  • Диаметр отверстия для руки 9 см

Игрушка-перчатка «Лев»

Код товара: X303UT

Игрушки-перчатки бренда Same Toy своей оригинальностью и реалистичным оформлением удивят не только ребенка, но и взрослого. На примере игрушки-перчатки «Лев» взрослые смогут рассказать малышу интересные факты о животном и местах его обитания. Ребенок узнает чем питается и как рычит грозный хищник семейства кошачьих.

  • Высота 15 см
  • Длина 11 см
  • Диаметр отверстия для руки 9 см

Игрушка-перчатка «Тигр»

Код товара: X305UT

Непоседа ничего не знает о тиграх? Возможно, уже пора познакомить малыша с еще одним представителем фауны с помощью игрушки-перчатки бренда Same Toy. Реалистичный дизайн и рассказ родителей – гарантия веселой игры и интересного приключения.

  • Высота 11 см
  • Длина 17 см
  • Диаметр отверстия для руки 9 см

Игрушка-перчатка «Собака»

Коды товаров: X325UT, X321UT, X307UT

Собака – лучший друг человека. Он является самым любимым домашним животным. С игрушкой-перчаткой «Собака» малыш точно не будет скучать, ведь она очень реалистичная. Во время игры ребенок подружится с ним и придумает интересную и увлекательную историю.

  • Высота 16, 15, 12 см
  • Длина 18 см
  • Диаметры отверстий для руки 12, 10, 8,5 см

Жарияланған өнім
Жарияланған өнім
өнім коды: X326-B-UT
2867 тенге*
қолда бар
An exciting Black Cat glove toy from Same Toy will diversify children's daily games and will certainly cheer them up! During the game, children will learn to distinguish animals, immerse themselves in the wonderful world of fantasy and fun adventures. The toy will be a great gift for both children and adults. It is made of safe hypoallergenic materials, and the hole for the hand is wide enough, so the glove is comfortable to hold while playing. Playing with gloves, children develop creative thinking and imagination, broaden their horizons, and train fine motor skills. Height is 15 cm, hand hole diameter is 9 cm. Recommended age: 3+
өнім коды: X315UT
3870 тенге*
қолда бар
Carnotaurus is a carnivorous dinosaur of the Late Cretaceous period. An exciting Carnotaurus glove toy from Same Toy will diversify children's daily games and will certainly cheer them up! During the game, children will learn to distinguish animals, immerse themselves in the wonderful world of fantasy and fun adventures. The toy will be a great gift for both children and adults. It is made of safe hypoallergenic materials, and the hole for the hand is wide enough, so the glove is comfortable to hold while playing. Playing with gloves, children develop creative thinking and imagination, broaden their horizons, and train fine motor skills. Height is 14 cm, glove length is 18 cm, hand hole diameter is 12 cm. Recommended age: 3+
өнім коды: X321UT
3870 тенге*
қолда бар
An exciting Bulldog glove toy from Same Toy will diversify children's daily games and will certainly cheer them up! During the game, children will learn to distinguish animals, immerse themselves in the wonderful world of fantasy and fun adventures. The toy will be a great gift for both children and adults. It is made of safe hypoallergenic materials, and the hole for the hand is wide enough, so the glove is comfortable to hold while playing. Playing with gloves, children develop creative thinking and imagination, broaden their horizons, and train fine motor skills. Height is 15 cm, hand hole diameter is 10 cm. Recommended age: 3+
өнім коды: X305UT
3870 тенге*
қолда бар
An exciting Tiger glove toy from Same Toy will diversify children's daily games and will certainly cheer them up! During the game, children will learn to distinguish animals, immerse themselves in the wonderful world of fantasy and fun adventures. The toy will be a great gift for both children and adults. It is made of safe hypoallergenic materials, and the hole for the hand is wide enough, so the glove is comfortable to hold while playing. Playing with gloves, children develop creative thinking and imagination, broaden their horizons, and train fine motor skills. Height is 11 cm, glove length is 17 cm, hand hole diameter is 9 cm. Recommended age: 3+
өнім коды: X301UT
3870 тенге*
қолда бар
An exciting glove toy from Same Toy in the shape of a Shark will diversify children's daily games and will certainly cheer them up! During the game, children will learn to distinguish animals, immerse themselves in the wonderful world of fantasy and fun adventures. The toy will be a great gift for both children and adults. It is made of safe hypoallergenic materials, and the hole for the hand is wide enough, so the glove is comfortable to hold while playing. Playing with gloves, children develop creative thinking and imagination, broaden their horizons, and train fine motor skills. Height is 14 cm, glove length is 16 cm, hand hole diameter is 7.5 cm.
өнім коды: X318UT
3420 тенге*
қолда бар
An exciting glove toy from Same Toy in the shape of a Wolf will diversify children's daily games and will certainly cheer them up! During the game, children will learn to distinguish animals, immerse themselves in the wonderful world of fantasy and fun adventures. The toy will be a great gift for both children and adults. It is made of safe hypoallergenic materials, and the hole for the hand is wide enough, so the glove is comfortable to hold while playing. Playing with gloves, children develop creative thinking and imagination, broaden their horizons, and train fine motor skills. Height is 16 cm, hand hole diameter is 10 cm. Recommended age: 3+
өнім коды: X308UT
3870 тенге*
қолда бар
An exciting Crocodile glove toy from Same Toy will diversify children's daily games and will certainly cheer them up! During the game, children will learn to distinguish animals, immerse themselves in the wonderful world of fantasy and fun adventures. The toy will be a great gift for both children and adults. It is made of safe hypoallergenic materials, and the hole for the hand is wide enough, so the glove is comfortable to hold while playing. Playing with gloves, children develop creative thinking and imagination, broaden their horizons, and train fine motor skills. Height is 11 cm, glove length is 22 cm, hand hole diameter is 9 cm. Recommended age: 3+
өнім коды: X303UT
3420 тенге*
қолда бар
An exciting Lion glove toy from Same Toy will diversify children's daily games and will certainly cheer them up! During the game, children will learn to distinguish animals, immerse themselves in the wonderful world of fantasy and fun adventures. The toy will be a great gift for both children and adults. It is made of safe hypoallergenic materials, and the hole for the hand is wide enough, so the glove is comfortable to hold while playing. Playing with gloves, children develop creative thinking and imagination, broaden their horizons, and train fine motor skills. Height is 15 cm, hand hole diameter is 9 cm. Recommended age: 3+
өнім коды: X325UT
4300 тенге*
қолда бар
An exciting Dog glove toy from Same Toy will diversify children's daily games and will certainly cheer them up! During the game, children will learn to distinguish animals, immerse themselves in the wonderful world of fantasy and fun adventures. The toy will be a great gift for both children and adults. It is made of safe hypoallergenic materials, and the hole for the hand is wide enough, so the glove is comfortable to hold while playing. Playing with gloves, children develop creative thinking and imagination, broaden their horizons, and train fine motor skills. Height is 16 cm, glove length is 18 cm, hand hole diameter is 12 cm. Recommended age: 3+
өнім коды: X307UT
3870 тенге*
қолда бар
An exciting Labrador glove toy from Same Toy will diversify children's daily games and will certainly cheer them up! During the game, children will learn to distinguish animals, immerse themselves in the wonderful world of fantasy and fun adventures. The toy will be a great gift for both children and adults. It is made of safe hypoallergenic materials, and the hole for the hand is wide enough, so the glove is comfortable to hold while playing. Playing with gloves, children develop creative thinking and imagination, broaden their horizons, and train fine motor skills. Height is 12 cm, glove length is 18 cm, hand hole diameter is 8.5 cm. Recommended age: 3+
өнім коды: X336UT
3870 тенге*
қолда бар
An exciting Gray Cat glove toy from Same Toy will diversify children's daily games and will certainly cheer them up! During the game, children will learn to distinguish animals, immerse themselves in the wonderful world of fantasy and fun adventures. The toy will be a great gift for both children and adults. It is made of safe hypoallergenic materials, and the hole for the hand is wide enough, so the glove is comfortable to hold while playing. Playing with gloves, children develop creative thinking and imagination, broaden their horizons, and train fine motor skills.
өнім коды: X371UT
4300 тенге*
қолда бар
An exciting Tyrannosaurus glove toy from Same Toy will diversify children's daily games and will certainly cheer them up! Realistic green Tyrannosaurus looks very interesting and terrible at the same time. Participating in theatrical games, children immerse themselves in the wonderful magical world of fairy tales, develop imagination, memory, thinking, artistic abilities, learn to properly express emotions, feel and “read” the mood of others.
өнім коды: X372UT
3420 тенге*
қолда бар
An exciting Triceratops glove toy from Same Toy will diversify children's daily games and will certainly cheer them up! With this toy, children will learn another species of dinosaurs and immerse themselves in a world of amazing adventures and fantasies. After all, realistic images of animals will not leave indifferent any player. During the game, children will learn to distinguish animals, immerse themselves in the wonderful world of fantasy and fun adventures. The toy will be a great gift for both children and adults. It is made of safe hypoallergenic materials, and the hole for the hand is wide enough, so the glove is comfortable to hold while playing. Playing with gloves, children develop creative thinking and imagination, broaden their horizons, and train fine motor skills. Recommended age: 3+
өнім коды: X352UT
5850 тенге*
қолда бар
Type: Toy-glove; Gender: boy, girl; Age group: 3+;
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